A 1:1 strategy session for intuitive women looking for clarity and direction, so they can get where they want to be faster!
‘Time to Shine’ session 
  • You’re overwhelmed in your business and your life? Stuck in the endless cycle of having too much to do but not earning the money you want.
  • You’d love to move forwards and take your business and life to the next level, but you don’t know how.
  • You have goals and desires, but you’re unclear how to create a strategic plan that works for you.
  • You’re putting so much pressure on yourself to do your best in business and at home that you’re left feeling burnt out.
  • You’re spending all your time and energy trying to apply everything you know to get more clients and create a consistent income.
  • You’re sitting in your current job, seeing what others do and KNOWING you can do that too… and even better! KNOWING you have so much more to give to the world.
Does this sound familiar?
There’s so much going on that your head is spinning!
But if you’re serious about building your dream business and making money, you need to be intentional. You need to have a plan and it all starts with YOU!
I know exactly how this feels and it’s exhausting. Having a strategic plan that’s authentic and aligned with you is crucial for your business growth. But creating it on your own can feel paralysing.
It’s not enough to love your business and what you do. Sooner or later, you’ll hit the point where you start questioning whether it all makes sense.

I know the word ‘strategy’ and the whole planning process can feel a bit terrifying and rigid. But trust me, it can be enjoyable and fun too!

Think about when you go on a trip or a holiday. You put so much prep and planning into it to make it the best holiday of the year, don’t you? And why do you do this? So you can relax and have a fantastic time with your family!

And you CAN do the same for your business!

Let me help you create a plan for YOU- one that’s perfectly aligned with your values, your business and your ideal client!
Take a deep breath, relax and imagine how it would feel to…
  • Have a clearer vision for your business and your life.
  • Have a straightforward system that works. One that keeps you focussed and on track.
  • Know exactly what to do every day and what actions to take to get you further toward your end goal.
  • Start seeing results and making progress in your business and life.
  • Attract more of those dreamy ideal clients. The ones you love working with!
  • Have more financial freedom to do the things that make your heart sing!
  • Live in line with your core thoughts, beliefs and values.
  • Be empowered by who you truly are.
Let me help you turn your dreams and goals into reality with a ‘Time to Shine’ strategy session! 
Please contact me if you’d like to pay in instalments.
What will I get from my ‘Time to Shine’ session?
A value-packed 90-minute strategy session,
where we’ll dive deep into your business and/or life, and map out your next steps.
Every session is unique because it’s tailored to you, your life and your business.
But it might look like this:
  • We’ll get crystal-clear on your goals and what mindset blocks may be holding you back from achieving them.
  • We’ll create a straightforward plan of action for the next three months to help you focus on making huge steps in your business and your life. Sure, we’ll look at marketing, but we’ll also look at your mindset, energy, self-care, self-love and mindfulness. Everything is connected!
  • We’ll identify how and where you currently use your time and energy, and how you can make significant shifts to use them more effectively.
  • I’ll also provide you with bags of practical tips for your personal development and business growth.
  • You’ll have access to the call recording, so you can refer back to it when you need to.
  • You'll get access to me for two weeks after the call to help and support you.
  • We’ll arrange a catch-up call to see how you’re getting on!
“I had spent 3 years thinking on and off about my business. I lacked the setting up a business strategy. Step by step, Zuzana gently and kindly took me through each part, nothing was ever too silly to ask and she led me to making my dream a reality.

If it wasn’t for her care about me and how everything was progressing, there is no way I could be where I am without many more delays and stumbling blocks.

She is totally awesome, and I recommend her wholeheartedly. I have learnt so much including how to alter my thoughts about a situation that I at first consider a problem, that Zuzana considers something that we will find a way to include, learn from or move on from. Thank you!”

- Nicola xxx
Are you ready to fall back in love with your business, see what you’re capable of and discover your dream life?

Are you ready to take action today?
If you’re not taking action because of your fears,
your dream life and business are fading away day by day.
Remember, it all starts with you!
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